100DaysOfCode - Day 6 Background Image Slider

I hurt my right hand, so I will only do this project. Most of the time, I will let my right hand rest and heal.

This is my project: Day6_background_image_slider and my code.

This project is based on the knowledge of Day 5, yet I get to learn that displayPic.style.backgroundImage is used to set the background image. In here, I use to relative path to access the picture: displayPic.style.backgroundImage = url(‘./img/${pictures[counter]}.jpg’);

Also, in this code, I need to remember to set the counter between 0 to pictures.length-1 to let the function loop over the pictures array. I can use if statement to deal with it.

if(counter < 0) {
counter = pictures.length -1;
} else if (counter > pictures.length -1) {
counter = 0;

My code:

const pictures = [

const rightBtn = document.querySelector('.btn-right');
const leftBtn = document.querySelector('.btn-left');
const displayPic = document.querySelector('.img-container');

let counter = 0;

function picDisplay(delta) {
  counter += delta;
  if(counter < 0) {
    counter = pictures.length -1;
  } else if (counter > pictures.length -1) {
    counter = 0;
  displayPic.style.backgroundImage = `url('./img/${pictures[counter]}.jpg')`;

rightBtn.addEventListener('click', () => picDisplay(+1));
leftBtn.addEventListener('click', () => picDisplay(-1));

Well, I suddenly realize I can use absolute path to access my images, so this is the alternative code.

const pictures = [

const rightBtn = document.querySelector('.btn-right');
const leftBtn = document.querySelector('.btn-left');
const displayPic = document.querySelector('.img-container');

let counter = 0;

function picDisplay(delta) {
  counter += delta;
  if(counter < 0) {
    counter = pictures.length -1;
  } else if (counter > pictures.length -1) {
    counter = 0;
  displayPic.style.backgroundImage = `url('${pictures[counter]}')`;

rightBtn.addEventListener('click', () => picDisplay(+1));
leftBtn.addEventListener('click', () => picDisplay(-1));